Professional Services


Extend the reach and depth of your staff with ML Professional Services

MasterLibrary Professional Services

School district staff around the country are being asked to do more with less; while more devices and equipment than ever before need attention, there are less internal resources available to service and maintain them.

That’s where MasterLibrary (ML) Professional Services comes in. Our facilities and technology specialists act as an extension of your district staff to help leverage all the benefits of our software applications quickly and easily. Return On Investment is typically measured in months with extended systems usability, more efficient service and maintenance, and improved capital planning.

Get control of your facility systems

Man holding tablet completing Asset Survey

On-site Facility Asset Surveys

Capture accurate, actionable data to extend system lives.

Accurate facilities asset data is critical to extending the usable lives of building systems by automating Preventive Maintenance (PM) procedures. ML Professional Services team acts as an extension of your staff by performing onsite surveys of more than 55 asset types in 6 building system categories with data populated into your district’s ML Work Orders system. We also set-up step-by-step Preventive Maintenance procedures with schedules and assigned staff to keep your building systems running at peak performance.

Asset Surveys with PM Procedure Setup
Ladder racking in a Telecom Room supports horizontal cable.

Comprehensive Technology Planning

Get 10 years of accurate technology systems planning on one page.

Our Comprehensive Technology Planning services that objectively surveys all your district’s technology infrastructure and IP-connected systems to provide recommendations and a 10-year project/budget roadmap. Led by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), primary technology planning deliverables include a highly illustrated Comprehensive Technology Report, 10-Year Technology Roadmap, Serving Zone drawings, and a Telecom Room Master Plan.

Technology Planning