New Issues tracking module
Introducing our new Issues tracking module
ML Work Orders
Our Issues module will give our subscribers the ability to track issues and calculate replacement cost data for each area within your buildings, taking the FCI (Facility Condition Index) into account.
The form for tracking issues within ML Work Orders will be fully customizable based on user needs and standards. From there, staff members can log discreet issues with replacement cost information and break it down by the area within each building. These areas can be named and designated based on how you would like to track this information.
Once you have designated areas and replacement costs added within the Issues module, the rollup costs for all issues logged against your building area will be visible with an FCI Ratio. This tool can be used to give users a better understanding and sense of their facilities’ condition. From there, our system will make it easier to prioritize future spending and costs related to the buildings and facilities.