Emergency Response Plans – ML Drawings User Resources


ML Drawings User Resources for Emergency Plans

ML Drawings

Use these ML Drawings free resources to develop Emergency Response building floor plans and campus maps that meet all 2024 NYSED data requirements. While ML Drawings can be used to develop floor plans with the appropriate asset locations, separate PDF editing software (e.g., Adobe Acrobat®) is also needed for both floor plans and area maps.

A tablet displaying an ML Drawing's screen of a Emergency Use floor plan stamped with select facility asset locations.

Emergency Response Floor Plans & Area Maps Webcast

ML Drawings Use Case

Learn how ML Drawings® interactive floor-plan software can simplify the creation of emergency use floor plans and area maps that meet updated 2024 NYSED requirements. In this recording of an August 16, 2024 40-minute webinar, MasterLibrary Professional Services Manager Dylan Mercier demonstrates how floor plans can be easily stamped with different asset symbols to accurately show the locations of these critical items. The use of Asset Symbol Keys and other available free user resources are also discussed.

A screen capture from an August 18, 2024 webcast on using ML Drawings software to develop Emergency Use floor plans and area maps.

Area Map Title Block

ML Drawings

This T-1 CAD-based Title Block PNG can be customized for each area map with building name and street address using the Type tool in most PDF editing software applications.

Download Title Block PNG
A Key to ML Drawings asset symbols used in Emergency Response floor plans.

MLD Assets Symbols Key

ML Drawings

This PNG file can be placed in ML Drawings-generated Emergency Response floor plans using PDF editing software.

Download Emergency Symbols Key
A North compass point icon that can be placed on floor plans and area maps using PDF editing software.

ML Drawings

North compass point

This PNG image file can be placed on floor plans and area map using PDF editing software. Rotate the image so North faces the correct direction on the plan or map.

Download North compass point image

Emergency Response Plans Tip Sheet

ML Drawings

Get a jump start on meeting the new 2024 NYSED Emergency Response Plan requirements with this ML Drawings Tip Sheet. Learn how to:

  • Stamp required asset types on floor plans with MLD. Then use a PDF editor to drop in the Symbols Key.
  • Use MLD’s integrated PDF markup tools to develop area maps. Then use a PDF editor to drop in the T1 Site Map frame and North compass point, if needed.

The Tip Sheet PDF also includes links to helpful detailed support articles as well as to the new Emergency Response Plans user resource webpage.

An ML Drawings' graphic placard with the headline

Helpful ML Drawings Emergency Use articles

Emergency Use Floor Plans

Building-Level Emergency Plans

This article discusses the 2024 NYSED Building-Level Emergency Plans floor plan requirements and how ML Drawings can be used to meet most all of them. Leveraging your Architect’s original CAD files and customizing ML Drawing floor plans using filterable views are also discussed.

View the MLD Emergency Use Floor Plans article
The headline

Emergency Use Area Maps

Building-Level Emergency Plans

2024 NYSED Building-Level Emergency Plans area map requirements are presented as well as how ML Drawings® can be used to develop accurate school district building area maps. Leveraging GoogleMap base image files and using the software’s integrated markup capabilities on your base Area Map are also discussed.

View MLD Emergency Use Area Maps article