Mass Cancellations
ML Schedules
In the event of weather or other emergencies, you have the ability to mass cancel events on your calendar, instead of individually canceling each event. Filter by building, space and time frame and all booked events that fall within the filters can be canceled with a click of button. Groups will be auto-notified of cancellations and you can also include a “Cancel Reason” to add a note to go with cancellation notification.
Blocked Dates
ML Schedules
Be proactive with certain dates by using the calendar program to block dates from being available to be reserved. This is helpful when there are dates you know your district or certain school spaces will be closed, such as holidays or days when a building is under construction. Once a date is blocked, it is shown as not available and will prevent anyone from scheduling during that time period.
Future Date Limits
ML Schedules
ML Schedules® gives you the ability to have your online calendar match your district calendars by limiting how far out a group can reserve a facility space. If your district calendar only goes out 365 days, you may want to limit the booking dates within that time frame.
Explore the Full Potential of ML Schedules
ML Schedules
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